Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Conservatives vs the Liberals

     After carefully examining the pros and cons of both Republicans and Democrats, my political standpoint still remains at center-left. Even though taxes are raised and government will have more control of our nation, the Liberals attitude towards our society today is what we need as a nation. As each generation passes, it leaves behind new trends and global issues that the Democrats can solve. One in particular, the Gay Marriage Rights has only recently began to grow within Generation We. Looking back a few decades, this sort of movement was unheard of during our parents (Baby Boomers) era. Even though Republicans have a strong center of morality, their narrow minded thinking would never allowed the values of different religions. The ability to embrace new cultures, new aspects, new movements is what the Democrats believe in. Even in the Abortion Rights, the democratic party supports women to have their own choice and be able to decide on whatever they please. Despite what my parents believe in, I will always lean towards center-left.

The Democratic Party: Things to be discovered...

     Founded down in South, Democratic leaders promised to pursue an aggressive agenda that emphasizes control in the economy, health care, energy and finally putting an end to the Iraq War.  Being the carefree, open-minded liberals that they are, in search for a nation of acceptance. However, if taken to the extremes Democrats could lead the nation corrupt with an all Communist/Socialist system, just as the Republicans would with a Capitalistic system. It was argued that such extremes will hopefully not occur,
 “Far left democrats need to stop believing that a socialist/communist government solves every problem. It promotes laziness because necessity is the mother of invention. If someone doesn't need to do as much to make a living, they won't”.
Since the Democrats believe raising taxes to benefit the spending of the government, it may only lead us to our demise. Although their goal is to help everyone in need (hence why they are in favor of a health care plan), there is no way we can supply the resources needed for each individual.
“Far left people need to stop believing that the government is responsible to pay for anyone's misfortune. Some people are responsible for their own misfortune and if we cater to everyone, how can we ever hope to eradicate the national debt?”
We would have no hope of finally getting rid of our national debt to several different countries. Especially during times such as now, when everyone is trying to recover from the recession. However, on a positive note, the Democrats do believe in The Gay Marriage, which as we know, Republics strongly disagree with only because it goes against every moral value. After reviewing some possible pros and cons of the marriage, I personally don’t see how a simple marriage would affect our nation in any way. Which is why Democrats should allow for Gay Marriage, not only because its non threatening to the country, but because its what the people of our nation desire.

The Republican Party: What you May Not Know...

      Compared to the Democratic Party, we all know the Republican Party to be far more conservative.  They strongly believe in the idea of a free market, where government rolls is unnecessary. However,some government regulation is needed in order to have a protected nation. Without a centralized government, it could lead our nation into its own demise. According to recent reports, it seems the Republican Party is recommending many useful ideas to conserve and expand America’s resources, so it is accessible to American people.  Considering the Republicans are liberals, they always sees themselves as very positive people, unlike the negative Liberals, Democrats. 

Since this political party was founded in 1854, during the anti-slavery movement, strong morals and values have been a strong belief. They constantly emphasize practicing human rights, religion and family values. However, it seems we must question whether their beliefs get in the way of other political issues of the present day. One of the major weak points in the party is they are incapable of believing in movements that go against God’s plan. 
“For example, homosexuality is a well covered topic within the GOP. According to the bible it is against God's laws for a man to be with another man. Of course the interpretation has been of a sexual nature. For decades this has been one of the foremost party issues on the political agenda. The Republican Party constantly scrutinizes the homosexual community to a point of shameful slander”.

Their inabilities to be flexible with rising controversial issues, such as the Gay Marriage Rights will ultimately loss some people’s votes. Because their political party is so based on morality, they will have a difficult time adjusting to present day events that, in some cases, go against morality.  

Lastly, the republican party is known for desiring a break in the taxes.  Although it seems like a tempting idea, our nation could not survive on little to no taxes going into the government. Things that are taken care of by the government could no longer be supported without the money that is needed from each citizen. Some may think that the Republican and Democrat parties are the same, when in fact , they are very different.

Politopia Quiz

         I recently took this Politopia quiz to find out what political side I typically favor. I must say,  I was a little shocked to find I leaned towards the center-right. Here are the quiz results, along with the caption beside the picture.
"You are a Southerner-an egalitarian-which means that you advocate an increased role for the government in the economic realm. You are more or less pleased the government's role in the personal realm".
I've always considered myself to lean towards the center-left, however I suppose in some areas, more government control wouldn't be so bad.

Inside look at the Capernaum Ministry

    The Capernaum Ministry strives for educating adolescences about the importance of having faith and working with a wide range of disabled children. This inspirational video demonstrates the reality behind the disabled children, however it also highlights the impact we can have just by being their new friend. The sad truth is that most of these children don't have very many friends, so to welcome them in as a friend means a tremendous amount to them. After all, meeting new people and creating new relationships is what makes us grow as a person.

A Brief Look At The Past

      It all began with the ambitious Presbyterian youth leader, Jim Rayburn and his love for children, the simple message of Jesus Christ is what started the ground breaking organization, Young Life.  Living in Gainesville, Texas Rayburn first started a weekly club meeting for kids. Each week there would be singing and a skit, simply educating the importance of Jesus Christ. After graduating from a seminary school, he and four other graduates collaborated, thus creating Young Life on Oct. 16, 1941. They expanded the club all throughout Texas, focusing on the idea of demonstrating to children the significance of having faith in God, and that it can be life changing. From then onward, the organization branched out into different categories, each expressing the importance of God and happiness. In the 1980s two ministries, WyldLife and Capernaum Project were added into Young Life. WyldLife was mainly directed towards middle school students whereas Capernaum, welcomed children with disabilities. Afterwards, YoungLives, which focuses on pregnant teens and young mothers and Young Life College, which gathers students on college campuses.
       In our society today, Capernaum is of most interest to me because it allows me to be-friend many wonderful children with various types of disabilities. Even though there are many sub-divisions in the organization Young Life, the message still remains the same. Introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and empower them to believe in faith.