Sunday, May 1, 2011

6. The Impact of Facebook

     Facebook, with 500 million members, is largest social network in the world. Having the capability to connect with people across the planet has allowed us to achieve amazing things. The internet itself, is an ingenious device, allowing almost anything to be obtainable and searched right off the web and continuously expanding our knowledge. Facebook as allowed us to grow as one planet, as one nation, instead of many. Its connected all of us together so that we can conquer battles that arise in our world.Many people are so dependent on the internet, to the point where we almost can live without it. Its changed our entire view on life. Its allowed us to see what's going on across the country.
     The great thing about Facebook, is that its so easy to use. Since its free, anyone can create an account and start locating all their friends who also have an account. Its a great way to keep in touch with friends from the past or even find out what's going on around the world. Its a good source of information, and it helps that people can easily post links or videos within minutes. Everyone is signing on to Facebook, and come the near future it may be a necessity to have for communication.

5. A Look into the 2012 Campaign: Obama v. Romney

    The 2012 presidential elections are approaching fast, with President Barack Obama defending his title while going against what looks like to be Republican's best bet against Obama, Mitt Romney.Obama just recently launched his first re-election campaign ad of 2012, which looked back on his accomplishments during this last year. Lets take an in-depth look at Obama's campaign ad:

      After watching this video, Obama seems is confident in lowering our budget deficit. However, how will he lower the deficit by spending money? That still seems to be unknown. Obama will fight to the finish to keep his presidential seat, however we can't count Mitt Romney out. Supporting the Republican side, he isn't push over in this election. Lets take a look at Romney's first campaign ad release.

     Both campaign advertisements are fairly strong, however, I feel that Romney's plans to change the government and to better our nation is exactly like Obama's. However Romney did point out the educational program for the children of United States needs to be strengthened. I happen to agree with that, due to the lack of money in our government, many schools nation wide were impacted from the loss of teachers. Without proper education, how will we be able to count on "generation x"(the children of our nation) to run the U.S. after the "baby-boomer's" have passed? So far, the biggest situation that needs to be addressed is finding a way to resolve the budget crisis.  

4. Will We Ever Resolve E-Commerce Taxation?

     E-Commerce taxation is a controversial topic to discuss simply because people across the U.S. doesn’t know if taxing the internet is a good idea. These days almost everything as moved to the internet. Its become nearly impossible to figure out how to tax and keep track of items being sold over the net. This is one of the biggest problems the government has to face in this situation. New York was the first to impose state taxes on products promoted through websites, leaving retailers unhappy. Even though this would raise money for the government, many people are against the taxation.
     The Government is still looking for ways to resolve the situation. Since tax prices have impacted many people while we are still recovering from the recession. Many feel they can escape the burden of taxation through the internet. Whether or not the government will be able to keep up with the fast pace of the internet is still unknown.

1. Is Fox News Biased?

     While discussing CNN alleged bias, Fox's own panel admits the real irony of accusing other news networks of their supposed bias. Any viewer that does watch Fox News, can see that it often distorts the real truth behind the given situation. The purpose of a news station is to broad cast the facts of a particular event, not to
modify the truth in order to generate more business. The idea of “fair and balanced” is completely lost. When it comes to Fox News there is no equality and it’s a disgrace to our President Barack Obama. 

3. Tumor Research Withheld from the Public

    February 2000, a study in Madrid showed that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active chemical in marijuana, destroys tumors in lab rats. Back in 1974, a similar study of was done in Virginia done 1974, except the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) withheld the information. In 1983, the Reagan/Bush administration persuades the U.S. universities and researchers to destroy the research done in 1966 and 1976.
“The research was conducted by a medical team led by Dr. Manuel Guzman of Complutence University in Madrid. In the study, brains of 45 lab rats were injected with a cancer cell, which produced tumors. On the twelfth day of the experiment, 15 of the rats were injected with THC and 15 with Win-55, 212-2, a synthetic compound similar to THC. The untreated rats died 12-18 days after the development of the tumors. THC treated rats lived significantly longer than the control group. Although three were unaffected by the THC, nine lived 19-35 days, while tumors were completely eradicated in three others. The rats treated with Win-55,212-2 showed similar results”
Guzman’s research project, known as the “Antineoplastic Activity of Cannabinoids”, was officially terminated by the DEA. THC demonstrated it could possibly slow down the growth rate of lung cancers, breast cancers and virus-induced leukemia and prolonged the laboratory mice lives by at least 36 percent. Although there were a few articles in the Washington Post about this discovery, the government still shut down further research on this topic.  This type of research could have helped many lives who are diagnosed with cancer and a specific type of leukemia. For the government to withhold such information allows us, the people of the United States, to question what else the government is holding from us.