Friday, September 3, 2010

Shallow-water Platform Fire Raises Questions on Oil Safety.

     As we all know about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill that recently occurred in August, it has now started to formulate whether the approach to shallow water drilling is safe. The Washington Post did a report on this matter, discussing the possible effects of shallow water drilling.
In the hours afterward, both the White House and the petroleum lobby offered little comment. But others - in Congress and in environmental groups - rushed out statements that raised wider questions about oil safety.
'"This is a shallow-water platform, and that's the key here. Since the beginning of this crisis, the Obama administration has attempted to limit the crisis to deep-water drilling and to suggest that shallow-water oil drilling is safe," said Kieran Suckling of the Center for Biological Diversity, an environmental group. "I'm not in the least bit surprised that we have a big shallow-water drilling explosion right now.
     The Obama Administration and representatives from The Center of Biological Diversity argue whether they should consider limiting the shallow-water drilling. However, the Obama Administration strongly believes that shallow-water drilling poses a very minor threat to the endangerment of the environment. As Thomas L. Friedman would say, considering he strongly believes in saving our environment; that Kieran Suckling had a point that needed to be recognized because we as a nation need to be more aware of preserving our natural resources instead of destroying them. Also we need to break away from this non stop oil addiction.

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