Friday, November 19, 2010

Cutting Military Programs

      As we know our country is suffering from a massive debt that we must somehow overcome. Considering that our biggest disposal of money goes into war, it would only make sense that we start saving more. Even though I personally think saving money from going into the use of war is a good idea, it could potentially raise our taxes. However, would we being willing to take that risk? Stated in the NewYork Times,
Taken together, the reports are likely to intensify pressure to reduce Pentagon spending and cancel troubled weapons programs as part of a broad effort to reduce federal budget.
But the proposals, which would cut back on expensive planes like the F-35 fighter and the V-22 Osprey, represent only the start of what could be a long debate. And it is already clear that many of the suggestions will be hotly disputed in Congress.
 Risking machinery like planes could be the start of a good plan, but it really depends on if Congress would agree to it. There would be a five-year Pentagon spending placed in the military department. This would ultimately stop all spending for five-years, which would actually save us a lot of money. Now whether congress is willing to agree is entirely up to them.

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