Sunday, May 1, 2011

5. A Look into the 2012 Campaign: Obama v. Romney

    The 2012 presidential elections are approaching fast, with President Barack Obama defending his title while going against what looks like to be Republican's best bet against Obama, Mitt Romney.Obama just recently launched his first re-election campaign ad of 2012, which looked back on his accomplishments during this last year. Lets take an in-depth look at Obama's campaign ad:

      After watching this video, Obama seems is confident in lowering our budget deficit. However, how will he lower the deficit by spending money? That still seems to be unknown. Obama will fight to the finish to keep his presidential seat, however we can't count Mitt Romney out. Supporting the Republican side, he isn't push over in this election. Lets take a look at Romney's first campaign ad release.

     Both campaign advertisements are fairly strong, however, I feel that Romney's plans to change the government and to better our nation is exactly like Obama's. However Romney did point out the educational program for the children of United States needs to be strengthened. I happen to agree with that, due to the lack of money in our government, many schools nation wide were impacted from the loss of teachers. Without proper education, how will we be able to count on "generation x"(the children of our nation) to run the U.S. after the "baby-boomer's" have passed? So far, the biggest situation that needs to be addressed is finding a way to resolve the budget crisis.  

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