Thursday, October 28, 2010

Propostition 19

    After many weeks of controversy, the legalization of Marijuana has come to its final week of voting. If Prop. 19 passes, it will allow Californians over the age of 21 to be able to grow marijuana within an area up to25 feet and have ability to possess up to one ounce of it for personal use. Mentioned in the New York Times, since many Californians are in favor of prop 19, it may lead to its own stable business.

A state report puts the value of California’s marijuana crop at $14 billion, dwarfing even the wine industry. Robert Jacob, who operates the Peace in Medicine medical marijuana dispensary in Sebastopol, said that entrepreneurs of all types were jostling to get a piece of the action.
With several buyers and sellers in California, the government will dramatically change because they have the ability to place a tax on weed. Therefore, we could have a possibility of making large amounts of money as people steadily consume the product. This would not only aid us economically, but it would ensure our funds to be stable.

However, the only health concerns that I have, is what if Marijuana becomes a "social trend"? As seen in smoking and drinking. Due to peer pressure, some only feel the need to drink or smoke because others around them are doing so, not because they actually enjoy it. If this same concept occurred with Marijuana, would it be a potential risk to those who use it?

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