Monday, December 13, 2010

Young Entrepreneurs Create Their Own Jobs

   After graduating from New York University, specializing in a film degree, and thousands of dollars stored away, the young Scott Gerber was motivated to create his own new-media and technology company. However, uncertain of marketing strategies, his company did not survive. Even after the shocking defeat of not having his company rise to success, Mr Gerber did not give up. New York Times presents, Mr. Gerber's inspirational story of how he started a company with almost nothing...
Still in debt, Mr. Gerber considered his career options. His mother kept encouraging him to get a “real” job, the kind that comes with an office and a boss. But, using the last $700 in his bank account, he decided to start another company instead.
Five years later, Gerber isn't considered to be a "millionaire" but he's managed to establish a stable life for himself. His long standing determination is what inspires many young graduates today. Its interesting how many students can come straight out of college and become an instant millionaire, merely by creating ground breaking new technology or product that attract many people today. Although, his success is something to celebrate, I feel students these days are finding an easier way out to becoming wealthy. It seems many of them don't work their way through jobs and steadily build an income. However, with that being said, it does take some brains to come up with a hot selling product, business or company (whatever it may be) that the world will love.

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