Monday, December 13, 2010

Tax Benefits for the Middle Class

       President Obama, has been hard at work ensuring our nation will rise to success and finally get out of the economic turmoil that we are suffering through. Reported by The New York Times, the senate brought a vote on the tax cut deal between President Obama and the Republicans.
But a hefty portion of the $858 billion tax package will benefit middle- and upper-middle-income Americans — precisely the demographic that felt neglected the last two years as the White House and Congress focused on the major health care law and on helping the unemployed and people facing foreclosure.
These new tax breaks are in addition to the cuts Mr. Obama had always planned to maintain on all but the highest incomes, and they could pay big political dividends to Mr. Obama and other Democrats in 2012 — a point that the president and some senior advisers are counting on, and one reason that they were willing to give in to Republican demands to extend all Bush-era tax rates.
Since our nation is mostly made up of the "middle class" it would only make sense to benefit those who are in it. President Obama, however is convinced that there is no economic benefit to lower taxes on the highest earners. The middle class would also benefit from one year payroll tax cut which will reduce Social Security income dramatically. The middle class has always been neglected when it came to major income changes. Now, for a change they can finally benefit from this tax paycuts.

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