Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Conservatives vs the Liberals

     After carefully examining the pros and cons of both Republicans and Democrats, my political standpoint still remains at center-left. Even though taxes are raised and government will have more control of our nation, the Liberals attitude towards our society today is what we need as a nation. As each generation passes, it leaves behind new trends and global issues that the Democrats can solve. One in particular, the Gay Marriage Rights has only recently began to grow within Generation We. Looking back a few decades, this sort of movement was unheard of during our parents (Baby Boomers) era. Even though Republicans have a strong center of morality, their narrow minded thinking would never allowed the values of different religions. The ability to embrace new cultures, new aspects, new movements is what the Democrats believe in. Even in the Abortion Rights, the democratic party supports women to have their own choice and be able to decide on whatever they please. Despite what my parents believe in, I will always lean towards center-left.

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