Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Brief Look At The Past

      It all began with the ambitious Presbyterian youth leader, Jim Rayburn and his love for children, the simple message of Jesus Christ is what started the ground breaking organization, Young Life.  Living in Gainesville, Texas Rayburn first started a weekly club meeting for kids. Each week there would be singing and a skit, simply educating the importance of Jesus Christ. After graduating from a seminary school, he and four other graduates collaborated, thus creating Young Life on Oct. 16, 1941. They expanded the club all throughout Texas, focusing on the idea of demonstrating to children the significance of having faith in God, and that it can be life changing. From then onward, the organization branched out into different categories, each expressing the importance of God and happiness. In the 1980s two ministries, WyldLife and Capernaum Project were added into Young Life. WyldLife was mainly directed towards middle school students whereas Capernaum, welcomed children with disabilities. Afterwards, YoungLives, which focuses on pregnant teens and young mothers and Young Life College, which gathers students on college campuses.
       In our society today, Capernaum is of most interest to me because it allows me to be-friend many wonderful children with various types of disabilities. Even though there are many sub-divisions in the organization Young Life, the message still remains the same. Introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and empower them to believe in faith.

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