Sunday, March 20, 2011

Obama Gives Libya A Warning...

  Reported earlier, President Obama ordered Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi to take immediate cease-fire, withdraw his forces from rebel-held cities and to stop all attacks on Libyan residents. Otherwise, Qaddafi will have to face military action from the United States, Europe and in entire Arab Nation. However, Qaddafi refused to listen and Obama went ahead with the necessary precautions and unleashed the first round of warplanes and missiles on Libya. The New York Times, reports the conditions of the airstrike,
The mission to impose a United Nations-sanctioned no-flight zone and keep Colonel Qaddafi from using air power against beleaguered rebel forces was portrayed by Pentagon and NATO officials as under French and British leadership. But the Pentagon said that American forces were conducting a campaign to knock out Libya’s air-defense systems, firing more than 100 Tomahawk missiles from nearby ships against Libyan missile, radar and communications centers around Tripoli, the capital, and the western city of Misurata.
If Qaddafi continues to defy Obama’s orders, this entire situation could get out of hand. The United States and its European Allies only launched the first round of missile attacks, and it managed to injure many people. I can't imagine what the second round of missiles would do to Libya. During this point in time, this situation doesn't look it will improve any time soon. For America at least, these are increasingly difficult times, considering we still have our troops in Iraq. As one war is coming to an end, a new one has just started...

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