Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Young Life

    At Young Life this evening, some of the leaders and buddies gathered around to discuss the main activities for the night. The theme of the night was based on Winter because of the ski trip that is planned on Sunday. Becky Parr had a agenda to start off with a newspaper dodge ball game, and then a mini snowmen donut contest (basically who can make the best looking snowman out miniature donuts and gum) following afterward. The games are always a good ice breaker and the kids absolutely love it! What I admire the most, is that even if they don't win, they still have a smile on their face and enjoy every moment of it.
     We also got the chance to plan a ski trip up to Tahoe for this coming Sunday. Some of the things we needed to discuss was transportation, arrival and departure time, and the activities for the day. Under the leadership of Becky, we agreed to only make it a day trip so that it would be convenient for everyone's busy schedule. On Sunday, March 27th we would be heading up to Tahoe at 8 in the morning and departing around 8:30 in the evening. The day will be spent going sledding and playing around in the snow. I'm very excited to be apart of this trip because its been awhile since I've gone to Tahoe and I love hanging out with all the kids.
    Its always enjoyable volunteering with Young Life because each week I get to see new faces and meet new people. Its also great just to take a day each week and have fun knowing that you are benefiting and changing all the disabled kids lives just by becoming their new friend. They truly are some of the kindest and sweetest people I have ever met.

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