Sunday, April 24, 2011

Gitlow v. New York

      Benjamin Gitlow was convicted for violating the New York Criminal Anarchy Act of 1902. He was convicted for publishing the “Left Wing Manifesto” under state law that prohibited advocating the overturn of the government by force and violence. With a 7 to 2 vote, Gitlow's case continued to be defended. However, this case raised the First Amendment's rights to be questioned. The right to free speech and press, Gitlow felt he was protected by this Amendment. However the Court said otherwise. 
     I believe Gitlow's actions were not entirely all that bad. Its alright to believe in something such as communism, however to take it to the extremes and start preaching it, creating plans that use violent measures and defying the law is wrong. I understand that he has the freedom of speech, but there is potential that he could inflict harm upon others. That's where I draw the line. The difficult part about this case is where the limitations stand before violating the Criminal Anarchy Act.

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