Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lutheran Church Changes their Plans to Accept the Disabled

    Before the Disabilities Act (1990), the American Lutheran Church were unwilling to accept disabled people from entering the ministry. The Church believes that people with significant psychical or mental handicaps might not be eligible for the ministry. They based their belief on specific neurological and heart disorders, and advanced diabetes was easily disqualified. What I don’t understand is why they are not allowed to join the ministry if they have those conditions. David W. Preus had this to say about the situation,
'It must be simply and forthrightly stated that the American Lutheran Church does not categorically bar persons with disabilities”
The article never states the reason behind why they don’t accept people with disabilities. Sure, they might have a difficult time while they are in the ministry, but that shouldn’t stop them from being accepted into it. The Lutheran Church received so many complaints that they were forced to remove the policy. Many people were glad they removed it simply because everyone who has the ability to enter a profession should be able to.  

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