Sunday, April 24, 2011

Miller v. California

     Marvin Miller conducted and advertisement campaign containing "adult" book titles and film brochures which had sexually explicit photographs and drawings. This caused a public uproar, questioning how much freedom the First Amendment should grant. Miller was put on trial under California's obscenity laws and was proven guilty.The states should be able to decide how much freedom is given to the press and the people.
     The Court proposed on three new guidelines for regulating offensive material. Chief Justice Warren Burger suggested the guidelines should evaluate any offensive material that depicts "hard core" sexual behavior that is defined by the state law. I believe Miller's actions also question a sense of mortality. By having these brochures exposed for the public eye, anyone of any age group can access them. Adult material, such as this, should not be exposed to young children, which is also a concerned for many parents and guardians.

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